February 11

The 2019 Cutting Edge Concerts New Music Festival will open on February 11th with Steven Burke’s “Dream Forms,” performed by the di.vis.ion trio which premiered and recorded the work. “Dream Forms” is comprised of three episodes and was initially inspired by different types of dreams, including: precognitive (clairvoyant),
lucid and epic.
The program includes:
Jim Lahti – Piano Trio No. 2
Victoria Bond – Trio “Other Selves”
Performers: Di.vi.sion Trio – Kurt Briggs, violin; Matt Goeke, cello;
Renee Cometa Briggs, piano
February 18

The February 18th program presents contemporary composers’ interpretation of the ancient Byzantine culture and the imaginary culture of Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels.” Philip Glass’ “Annunciation,” is based on an Eastern Orthodox Byzantine chant. The program will begin with the Axion Estin Chanters singing the chant upon which Glass based his composition. Pianist Paul Barnes, who gave the world premiere, will also give the New York premiere of Victoria Bond’s “Simeron Kremate,” which is also based on a Byzantine chant.
The imaginary world of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels will provide the basis for composer Victoria Bond, librettist Stephen Greco and dramaturg Doug Fitch’s opera “The Adventures of Gulliver.” This workshop production features a cast of young professional singers.
February 25

The February 25 program will begin with Japanese American composer Paul Chiharra’s “Amatsu Kaze.”for soprano Sophie Maekawa; clarinetist Alan Kay, flute, violin, cello, and piano. Amatsu Kaze in performance is based on seven Haiku, performed in Japanese, having to do with love, death and separation. ”Amatsu Kaze” means “heavenly wind”— and is an image that recurs in all the poems. It is sometimes associated with divine inspiration and at other times with divine indifference.
The second half of the program features pianist Nadia Shpachenko-Gottesman performing works from her recently released CD, “The Poetry of Places.” Composers represented on the CD, all who will be present to introduce their works, include: Lewis Spratlan, Harold Meltzer, Hannah Lash, James Matheson, Amy Beth Kirsten, Jack Van Zandt and Victoria Bond.